My works present an independent reality, a liminal, unreal world dependent on our world yet separate from it. I seek to dismantle the reality we inhabit in order to remake it according to the logic inherent in the painting process. With that in mind, my works cannot be easily categorized, as elements from many genres combine into one. I explore semi-real spaces where nature and architecture confront, and themes such as climate change are of implicit interest. While my work does not engage with these topics as a type of messaging, I am interested in these ideas' societal and cultural impact and the conception that humanity can control nature or vice-versa. Aesthetically, I am interested in the dissolution of space, perspective, light, and time through varying degrees of figuration, where form is created through a responsive and adaptive process over a length of time. Colours, materials, and shapes are reworked until an ideal solution is found. Thus, the process gradually shifts reality until what is familiar evolves into something renewed.